Thursday, October 14, 2010

GF Pizza Experiments 1 & 2 (Bread disaster, too!)

Having had very little decent pizza in the past three years I decided to try my hand at making it myself.  I used Soy and brown rice flour only (my mistake it didn't hold together very well).  It was tasty despite it falling apart flaw.  On the topping are BBQ sauce, cheddar cheese, and the much loathed red onion (if you watch the Show Chopped on Food Network).

This is my second attempt at pizza; in this on everything is made from scratch.  I failed at the mozzarella and ended up with a ricotta-like product (if it's edible then it's not really a failure).  The crust is soy, brown rice, and quinoa (more on that fail later), it was good and it didn't fall apart but the dough was next to impossible to work with.  The topping is simple, homemade tomato sauce; when everything is from scratch it's best to go simple in my opinion. 

Do NOT under any  circumstances use quinoa flour for baking because your product will look like this and you'll be sad:

It cracks and it's a pain in the ass to work with.  I threw out this bread because it felt like a lump of coal ... and it was butt-ugly too.  All the photoshopping in the world didn't help this. 

Stick with:

2 parts brown rice
1 part soy flour
1 part corn flour
plus 1/2 tsp xanthan gum 

(Trust me on this one)

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